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Wall Decals & Why Now

Wall Decals & Why Now

Happy Friday for all you Aussies out there!

I was chatting to a mate earlier this week and planning out the release of this brand new product to the mix of what BrightSide Art can offer to people who love & enjoy my art. There has been a bit of thought going into this lately & with the current COVID19 environment we find ourselves living in, really the timing of this product launch has been everything for me.

So my mate said I should share a bit of the thought process behind these new Wall Decals. So here it is, a little overview of why I'm releasing these Decals now and what they really mean for my business.

Firstly, if you've purchased a pre-sale Wall Decal - thank you so much! It truly means the world to me that you love my art & want to see it on your walls of your home or office everyday!

So you may be aware with Australia's response to COVID19 us in Melbourne Victoria have been in a stage 4 lockdown for a few weeks after the stage 3 lockdowns weren't deemed to be effective. So this means I've had to cancel and refund thousands of dollars of deposits to my clients (it's really not fair to hang onto funds at this time, indefinitely!), and as much as this sucks, I'd rather do the right thing by people who have believed in my art. Not being able to even get to mural sites across Victoria has meant that I've been in this weird limbo of limited digital work coming in and trying to keep my focus on the future when the world opens up again.

Its because of these uncertain times I wanted to go back to my true mission & purpose behind making the art that I enjoy - to share this art & inspire others to be more creative & express themselves in their own way. I think this is more important then ever now and I know for me going to the bigger picture helps me regain my focus on what I really want to do with my life.

So I've still been getting a heap of emails and calls from people wanting murals in their homes in particular - and because I can't get to these people I wanted another way to offer an alternative - this is where Wall Decals came into it. But while a lot of people I know rent or have kids that may grow out of the art style, I wanted something that could be flexible, re-usable if they moved house, etc. So we found this cool product thats a polyester fabric material, reusable and doesn't leave any sticky glue residue behind if you peel it off the wall! Its also super easy to stick up!

So while COVID19 has taken a lot of my work from me, I see this as the perfect opportunity to launch these fun & bright Wall Decals so I can continue to share my passion for my art & give people something exciting to add to their homes while they maybe spending increased time there. So I'm hoping these decals will add an element to my business that will help me get through these trailing times but more importantly I'm hoping that by having these decals available for purchase people can bring some art & fun into their lives at a time when they may need it most.

So again, hugely grateful to everyone who has purchase a pre-sale Wall Decal, and if you think you may know someone who has a kid, or a home office, or a man-cave - or would just LOVE my art on their walls, please share around these products. I think we can bring some great art into peoples lives and share a passion for creativity and expression. If you're keen to purchase yours click HERE!

If you're uncertain about these products, please feel free to email me at and I can help you out! Alternatively you can fill out this form HERE to get in touch.

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