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2025 Term 1 BOOKED OUT! Enquire now for Term 2!
How to Guide: Connecting with you people at conventions

How to Guide: Connecting with you people at conventions


Do you ever go to a convention or expo and think to yourself “man this all looks the same!”.


Yeah I’ve been there! And its tough gig, when you are cramped into a convention centre with hundreds of other exhibitors and brands and companies all trying to compete for any opportunity to connect with your audience. 


But how. How can you really connect? My years of working in the Events Industry has showed me two things that exhibitors will employ for this connection.


First) Cheap, gimmicky tricks - free cheap give aways, those tacky little key rings or stubby holders or USB drives with your brand logo on them. Trust me, these might seem like a good option, but half the time they will be thrown out & the other half - they don’t contribute to any sense of brand recognition for the consumer. Or a free coffee or cold beverage to draw people to your booth ... but do they ask about your business once they have their coffee? Or do they bee line it out of there ASAP!


The Second option - Find a way to AUTHENTICALLY engage & connect with people & their interests. 

*Pro tip! This doesn’t need to be in any direct way, connected to your core business! Don’t limit yourself in that way, we have a world of potential to be creative to find ways to stand out & genuinely connect with people.


Conventions are a swamp of loud people and loud branding all yelling their “value” to the same community. True brands don’t need to yell at your customers. Draw their attention in, start the conversation with them about something INTERESTING and new for them. This is how you connect with people in an authentic way. Then you can share the value your brand/ business can bring to them.


"Customers will be open & ready to receive your information because you have shared something unique & genuine with them". This is how to connect with people. 


This is where the value I offer brands looking to stand out at conventions, comes in. Live art can be flexible to fit into your brand story. The unexpected surprise of seeing art created in front of them intrigues, opens & attracts your customers to your booth. Genuine curiosity will open the minds of your customers before they even speak to you. 


Then you share your value in an engaging & real way with them & you will be remembered. The experience you share with people will be something they can take away, value & share with their friends - leading your brand to actually stick with them through authentic connection not based on a sales pitch or cheap gimmick, but on a genuine connection through a creative, shared experience.


Conventions really are a fantastic opportunity to connect with people - think outside the box, think creatively about how you can stand out authentically and you will get so much more from the experience.

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